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Contact Us to Learn About Our Dental Services

At Bright Smile Family Dentistry, located in Edmond, OK, we pride ourselves on personalized and thorough dental service. Our team specializes in patience and compassion, and we’re here to help you achieve the bright smile you deserve. If you have any questions about our dental services, please call or fill out our contact form. From teeth whitening to full mouth dental implants, the Bright Smile Family Dentistry team takes a customized approach to cater to your dentistry needs. Contact us today to learn about how we can take care of your dental concerns. Finding the right dental services can be challenging. If you would like a consultation or have any questions about our dental services, please feel free to contact us.

Bright Smile Family Dentistry

Edmond Location
3225 Teakwood Lane
Edmond, OK 73013



Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Midwest City Location
1212 S Air Depot, Suite 17
Midwest City, OK 73110


Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM



Contact Us Today!!

What to Expect

At Bright Smile Family Dentistry, we treat our patients with great attention and care, offering the general dentistry services you need at a price you can afford. You can expect kind, courteous staff to address your dental concerns, so you will leave with a bright confident smile.

Bright Smile Family Dentistry Services

We offer a selection of dental services, including:

  • Emergency Dentistry: Emergency care is available 24/7 at our dental office, so if you need treatment, don’t hesitate to give us a call.
  • Dental Implants: Our team offers individual and full-mouth dental implants to increase functionality and give you a natural-looking smile.
  • IV Sedation Dentistry: IV sedation allows you to relax and lessens anxiety regarding dental procedures.
  • Cosmetic Dentistry: From porcelain inlays to teeth whitening, we offer an array of cosmetic dental services to improve the appearance of your teeth.
  • Teeth Whitening: Smile bright with our professional teeth whitening services.
  • Teeth Cleaning: We provide dental checkups and cleanings, which are important for your overall health.

Schedule an Appointment

With many years of combined experience, Bright Smile Family Dentistry is where you go to receive exceptional dental care. Our team works together to provide you with the best service so that you can leave with a smile that is healthier and brighter than when you arrived.

Let the experts at Bright Smile Family Dentistry give you a great smile at an affordable price. Call (405)-844-8887 today to schedule an appointment.